Sitemap - 2023 - We the People

South Dakota Patriots Are Rockin' It

overturning the tables of corrupt money changers

failure to exercise due diligence in election administration constitutes treason

I did it. I dared call it treason.

I dare call it about you?

empty words


sparks fly in minnehaha

"short and sweet"

think William Wallace

legislation that collides with the People's frame of government is null and void

kearney tyrants lose

lincoln this morning and kearney tonight

Kearney, NE "public servants" nervously stomp on Constitution

the big lie advocated by evnen and bena

what is biblical faith?

are all tirades created equal?

is the earth flat?

a reply and my response

DEFUND the negop

government no longer serves the purpose for which it was created, which was to secure our God-given rights


the self-serving party system

the outcome of not speaking up en masse is slavery

my letter to state auditor mike foley

traitors and the useless gop

traitors in our midst

republican party usefulness pt 2

has the republican party outlived its usefulness?

county sovereignty and a reminder

thoughts to head into the week with

keeping God in all our thoughts

loose ends and a correction

Wayne Bena thinks you're an idiot? Is he right??

ATTN: Wayne Bena confesses to breaking the law

the art of waiting pt 2

a must listen

the art of waiting pt 1

secret machine vote counts are immoral

God and government

the constitutional sheriff pt 2

dereliction of duty?

lancaster co follow-up

lancaster co board losers

our strength is not small

riches profit not in the day of wrath

a modern day boston tea party?

government is retarded

not a christian?

one "Watcher's" experience



trump and trewhella

superhero leah anderson pt 2

a SD female county election official confronts ES&S

the republican party - a house divided

government schools pt 2

election mirage

government schools

i hit a nerve

sparks will fly

what a joke

a presidential debate? where??

all star wrestling in the negop

the system is broken

the negop swamp

the line in the sand

thee lindell summit highlight

lindell event schedule

no election in 2024?

NE SoS colludes with subversives to destroy liberty

Nebraska's garbage election system [bena is lying pt 2]

bena is lying

pillen + evnen = china

STILL no explanation for apparent election audit fraud!!!


the coming truly great reset

every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit

Lancaster County Election Audit Fraud?

a reply from the SoS office

more of bena's bumbling election blunders (pt 3)

more bena election bumbles (pt 2)


bena takes the bait...analysis provided, his precinct audits are no audits at all

bena took the bait

evnen has a problem with telling the truth

new election commissioner joins conspiracy to defraud NE voters

the joke is on NE taxpayers and voters, but not for much longer

public confidence in our elections not a priority of our SoS office

free tickets and a bad actor

show up, stand up, speak up

Sons of Liberty

representation in NE is a sham

the ultimate security of a free state

liberty and justice for all?

we are at war, again pt 2

we are at war, again

dear county election office

why is it taking so long

the SoS swamp

hand counting

jp & the psyops

my public comment and follow-up letter to our lancaster county commissioners

why are we having so much trouble with our NE unicameral legislature?

hand counts

we are busy fighting...come join us

my wake-up call

piglen admin throws saint in jail

gop insanity and corruption

blind faith

law professor david clements is in town!!

to alter or to abolish?

how close is a u.s. collapse?

wiltgen fails first test

poking the bear

more on cavanaugh's "hate"

​senator machaela cavanaugh and "hate"

gop diverts attention from es&s corruption

a draft

the fruited plain and the professor

the ne swamp

yahoo!, wayback & linehan!

the common thread

narrative warfare from the old testament

some trust in chariots

a loose end

separation of powers

the con man

elections are a charade, but we'll go through the motions anyway until Evnen is taken down

evnen's senate committee testimony

pillen's first love...taxpayer money

wind energy is a scam

how important are our county election officials?

186 u.s. banks in trouble?

chain of custody

a response from outstate

my letter to democrat legislators

sharing my letter to the legislature and sos

rally time today (3/22)

our republicans screwed us

our power is in expressing strong sentiment, not in begging

public records law & mike hilgers

only two options left

convert to bicameral?

single mothers and rocket science

pillen's worthless executive order

response from the SoS office


Shawn Smith is the bomb

baird's fake and tyrannical "emergency"

filthy lucre

politics and God

an immoral secretary

I just had to do it

things are a mess

my 2¢ on a few items

this is a must watch

did i miss the filing deadline?

it's a red sea moment

the swamp is insulating itself and getting swampier

state sovereignty

The Fruited Plain & Fremont

guest editorial

we the people are the rightful sovereigns

partisan hacks

the unholy trinity

public enemy #1

law vs lawfare pt 1

es&s fails in jersey

sheriffs defy illinois gov

the 500 lb gorilla

who are the militia?

we do not consent

gold standard in vote-counting outlawed

constitutional carry?

election laws shall be liberally construed so that the will of voters is not defeated

the rest of my hava hearing statement

tis the season for taking and breaking oaths

Lori's question