Sitemap - 2022 - We the People

supplemental material sent to hearing officer

Report on HAVA Hearing

notice of hearing correction

notice of hearing

a short rant

a public records request

where are the cvrs?

retooled a bit

unconstitutional love affairs

ccp pt 2

the ccp would be proud of evnen and eu

God doesn't bless cowards

after action report

the certification of another fraudulent election is looming

both political parties serve global economic elites

bread, circuses & asinine attempts

why mail-in voting is a really bad idea for republicans (but not for swamp rinos)

breaking news in SD

the banana republic of xiden and rinos

it's not over

stay calm pt 3

stay calm pt 2

nervous eric underwood goes underhanded pt 2

nervous eric underwood goes underhanded

stay calm

can we please get an indictment for the maladministration of elections?

guns and taxes


your next lieutenant governor, God (and the people)-willing

captain milquetoast

negop county chair fed-up with weakness

we have the most enthusiastic supporters

credulity is NOT a virtue

the definition of a cult

negop fear porn

what is the price of freedom?

woe unto those who call evil good and good evil

the sinking negop ship

checks and balances

the storm is upon us

the numbers game - a clear path to victory for We the People and our God-given rights

hold your nose and vote

quick update and crete tonight

scottsbluff and social fabric

good morning

dave wright and patrick peterson

is ricketts trying to buy a senate seat? is pillen for sale?

people are tired of throwing their vote away on spineless politicians

will you sign on?

upcoming events and patriot comments

how to fix our state (taxation pt 2)

taxation without representation pt 1

starting to figure it out

jimmy the lemon

voter id

what i stand for

we've been dancing with the devil way too long

we are not sacrilegious

self-evident truths

pillen is NOT the nominee of the people

why should you trust me?

huge rise in death from "vaccine" plus short summation of last 10 letters

a decent respect pt 2

a decent respect to the opinions of mankind

you toil and work and earn bread, and i’ll eat it

no man can serve two masters

what constitutes a valid write-in vote?

a brilliant exposé

a law repugnant to the constitution is VOID

my friend dr. douglas frank

an election cheater's wet dream

is God's will automatic?

the party is NOT God

the problem with parties

is borer crazy?

democrats who get it

election integrity is the most critical issue of our time, PERIOD

the problem with politics

a county attorney responds

we need more arrests...but for the theft of *election integrity

the criminal conspiracy of robert evnen to defraud nebraska voters

draining the swamp


miracles, trump and elections

complicated letters


let's bombard the "secretary"

omaha election integrity forum update

my christian testimony

a letter to our legislature and local officials

important truth summit report

Moment of Truth Summit

your official invitation

s-election code is here

ricketts, peterson and evnen hand our ballots over to es&s to be counted in secret

obama weaponized your government against you

what does it mean to be on the side of election integrity?

important event Aug 9

connecting the dots

is it right?

bed fellows and such

the corruption runs deeper than imagined

all issues aren't created equal

on the other hand

your party

nebraska election maladministration

a word for our new NEGOP Chair

sleeping pill-en

let's be reasonable

subversive language and tinfoil hats

NEGOP Messes With the Wrong Person

The "Nominee"

Pam Dingman Joins the NEGOP Aristocracy

Nebraska Republican Party Abandons Its Own Principles

Nebraska election laws are a DISASTER

Corporate Ties or Birds of a Feather

Dirty Little Secrets about Nebraska Republican Politics...

The Mechanics of a Write-in Vote with a Built-in Audit

Your Secretary of State LIED to you—and then BROKE THE LAW to cover up his lie.

Is America about to have a near death experience?

Nebraska Taxpayers for Freedom

It's 1776 all over again...

SoS Office Shenanigans

Nebraska State Constitution

What I would do if elected Governor

The Subtle Existential Threat