Dear Friends,
The outline:1
why should you trust me?2
a soft answer3
my bold platform4
i’m not taking money5
“government of the people, by the people, for the people”6
money isn’t my god7
what can i do to help?8
skin in the game9
*we can do great things together10
the power resides in you11
why should you trust me?
Why should you trust me? The short answer is, you shouldn’t. You should never blindly trust me or anyone else. Blindly trusting people is what got us into this mess.
a soft answer
I’ve been getting lots of positive feedback. People like what they hear. For the most part. One person responded to yesterday’s letter and said I just lost his support because of my position on the “vaccine.” That’s okay. I responded politely and asked if he really thought mandating vaccines was the way to go. To me, that position seems incompatible with Liberty and “consent of the governed.” Maybe he’ll come around. Proverbs says “a soft answer turns away wrath.” Either way, I won’t compromise on the truth.
my bold platform
At any rate, we all grant my platform is bold. And that has given a few people of late pause to stop and ask why they should trust me? It’s a fair question.
I’ll try to answer it without begging the question (i.e., without giving an answer that requires you to simply trust what I am saying). In other words, I’ll answer with verifiable examples of why I can be trusted.
i’m not taking money
The first reason (and perhaps the only reason) I’ll give is that I have no strings attached (unless you count strings from God). I have no hooks embedded in my mouth, either. I’m not beholden to corporate, the rich and famous, or politicians. I’m not taking money from any of them. In fact, I’m not taking money from anyone, even so-called grassroots “little guys” (there are no little guys in my mind).
Some would say that is very foolish. Time will tell. Wisdom is justified of her children. Foolish is rendered so by the fruit she bears as well.
government of the people, by the people, for the people
Here’s the thing. I’m running for Governor on a platform of “government of the people, by the people, for the people.”
How can people expect me to run such a government when elected, if I can’t run a campaign on the same platform?
As Governor, I will be looking to make it so that you keep and spend more of your money, while “government” takes and spends less of it. Much less.
Why not start now?
money isn’t my god
I have never been about money. I’ve never been about getting rich. Money has only ever interested me to the extent that I needed it to provide for my family. I have made great sacrifices in the realm of money because the Truth was always more important to me. One time I went without eating for 24 days because finding the Truth was more important to me than anything else.
Seeking and finding the Truth has always been my priority. And that priority has not only cost me food, but relationships (family and friends) and jobs. So be it. As long as I have God on my side.
My loyalty is first and foremost to God and to transcendent/natural Truth, and then to my neighbor…my common, everyday neighbor. Not to the rich, not to the famous and not to political parties.
what can i do to help?
When people ask me what they can do to help with this cause I’m fighting (the cause of government of the people, by the people, for the people,—it’s way more than a “campaign”), I respond by giving them ideas that don’t involve giving me money. Those ideas include getting a group of people together that I can come speak to, spreading the word on social media and among family and friends, paying for and putting up banners/yard signs, handing out palm cards/business cards, etc. (One person just stopped into the printer’s office where I keep the campaign artwork and ordered $800 of yard signs.)
skin in the game
By doing any or all of the above, people are investing not only in the cause, they are investing in themselves. And now we all have skin in the came. Government of the people, by the people, for the people, requires participation by the people. It requires all of us to have skin in the game.
*we can do great things together
The things I want to accomplish (for you), I won’t be able to accomplish by myself. I will need your help. The power resides in you the people. When the Legislature isn’t doing their job (securing your rights), I will tell you. When the judiciary isn’t doing their job (securing your rights), I will tell you. When the Mayor of Lincoln isn’t doing her job (securing your rights), I will tell you. I will hail it from the Capitol and across the state, and in every case, we will work together to stand up to and against these oath-breakers. I promise. I’ve been doing this very thing throughout the “covid” tyranny, at my own expense, and I won’t stop. I hate liars, thieves and tyranny.
the power resides in you
The power resides in the sentiment of the people. The people only need a unifying voice.
“[P]ublic sentiment is everything. With public sentiment, nothing can fail; without it, nothing can succeed. Consequently, he who molds public sentiment, goes deeper than he who enacts statutes or pronounces decisions. He makes statutes and decisions possible or impossible to be executed." —A. Lincoln
"...authority rests on the harmonizing sentiments of the day.” —T. Jefferson
The checks and balances built into our system don’t happen automatically. They require people with courage who will use that courage to stand up and speak the Truth. I’m not afraid to do that. For me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain. God is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer.
Thank you for your time.
Pray for our Country. Walk with God.
God bless. I’m headed to Hazard this afternoon (see below).
Robert J. Borer
campaign promotional materials
how to do a write-in vote with a built-in audit
past issues
images below
I know I trust you because I have seen the letters you write daily to senators, legislatures, SOS, Ricketts,etc. You hold our politicians accountable to do their job! You follow the constitution! You are not in this for the money(that should make everyone want to vote for you)! You have done your research. You have discovered the loss of and waste of our tax dollars in Ne. You are not afraid to stand up against tyranny and child trafficking ( which we have a severe problem with due to some politicians!!!You are an honest Christian man that wants to get Ne cleaned up. You want clean and fair elections! We should be able to say this about ever candidate! But how many can we say these things about??? and not just my vote,, too
In fact and, too
May the Lord raise up mighty warriors in this time of transitioning from the old unrighteousness to the new glory-filled earth. God is adamant that this earth be filled with His glory. Thank you, Robert, for being a leader on the team!