Dear Friends,
No outline today. Just Jimmy. This is all about Jimmy—who may have helped save a football game once upon a time, but doesn’t have what it takes to save our state.
First I’ll address his personal life, and then his business life (which are really intertwined).
Here we go.
The new NEGOP leadership had to know what they were in for when they purposely bought a lemon back in July. Here’s the definition of “lemon” I am currently using:
Jimmy is a certified lemon, or worse.
He doesn’t stand for our Constitution.
He doesn’t stand for our God-given rights.
He doesn’t stand for medical freedom.
He doesn’t stand against coerced medical experimentation upon our citizens.
He doesn’t stand for government of, by and for the People.
He doesn’t stand for election integrity.
He doesn’t stand for state and county sovereignty.
He doesn’t stand for the common man.
He doesn’t stand for the small business owner.
He doesn’t care about the stolen 2020 election.
He doesn’t stand for holding government accountable.
How do I know these things? Because he never talks about any of them. And the principle below holds:
“He that is not with [us] is against [us]…” (Mat 12:30)
You can tell as much about a man (or woman) by what they don’t say as by what they do say. Jimmy doesn’t say anything about any of the above because he doesn’t stand for any of the above. None of them are near and dear to his heart.
A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good…for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh. (Luk 6:45)
Yes, Jimmy talks about our kids, but he’s clueless about the disaster we call our public school system. Moreover, he never confronted the communist abuse of our kids with the ridiculous covid masking. He also gives lip-service to the pro-life cause, but can’t offer an argument to further that cause.
Jimmy is a lemon and he has no courage.
Pillen Family Farms is NOT a family farm. It’s a family corporation, for all practical purposes. And it’s a corporation that seeks to impose its (their) will upon their neighbors.
On pg 2 of this document we find this:
In an earlier lawsuit, Stephens v. Pillen, a group of 18 angry plaintiffs filed a lawsuit against Pillen, alleging his hog confinements in Boone and Nance Counties constituted a private nuisance. Their petition alleged that these operations had become a nuisance since 1997, depriving plaintiffs of the normal use and enjoyment of their property, that they had notified Pillen of their complaints but that he failed to remedy the situation. Their lawsuit sought injunctive relief, costs, and general damages determined at trial. At trial, aggrieved plaintiffs testified about the impact of odors as unbearable, overwhelming, a suffocating stench, like a sewer odor that choked them. Some related that they closed up their homes daily, used air conditioning exclusively rather than fresh air, could not spend time outside in their yards or gardens with their kids and grandkids, and could not hang laundry on clotheslines. One plaintiff declared herself a prisoner in her own house. Two plaintiffs had to sleep in their basements to avoid the stench. Pillen in turn testified that, despite plaintiff testimonies, his hog confinement operations did not change their quality of life or disrupt their daily activities to such an extent that he should alter his operations. The court ruled that the plaintiffs had proved that the 4 hog confinement facilities constituted an intentional nuisance and ordered Pillen to mitigate the odors within 12 months or cease operations.
Also see this article by the Norfolk Daily News.
Moving on to Jimmy’s record as a regent (it’s absolutely terrible):
”Pillen voted in 2018 to support the hiring of a U. administrator to create a new Office of Diversity & Inclusion at UN-L, a precursor to implementation of critical race theory. Critical race theorists essentially believe that White people are all inherently racist. The office website says it aims to “create a more equitable, and inclusive campus culture.” The words equity, diversity, and inclusion are key words in CRT. The university created this bureaucracy after 4 years of deliberation following racial complaints on campus. Pillen exhibited a notable lack of courage and action to stop CRT in its infancy on campus and spare students its leftist propaganda. After his announcement for the gubernatorial race, Pillen magically reversed his stance and proposed a resolution opposing CRT instruction.”
—see pg 1 here.
Moving on to the quality of his pig meat.
First of all, it’s raised artificially and in confinement:
Such living and growing conditions are not conducive to raising healthy animals that health-minded people want to eat.
People these days want healthy, nutrient-dense products that not only enhance their health, but are grown in a way that is environmentally friendly and also safe and healthy for the animal.
These large confinement operations are not safe for consumers or the environment. To the contrary, they are very bad for the environment and for our underground aquifer—“lined ponds” notwithstanding.
His animals are also genetically modified (he owns this genetics company).
Jimmy is not talking about any of the issues that are absolutely critical to our state and nation right now.
We stand at a precipice, of which Jimmy is oblivious, because, despite his humble beginnings, he currently has a silver spoon in his mouth (and because he listens to the wrong people).
The midterm election (which will likely be delayed) means the difference between saving our country and losing it. The globalists must complete the takedown of our elections if they are to succeed in taking down our country.
The right of voting is the right that secures all other rights. When they succeed at taking away this right, they will have succeeded in taking away all our rights.
Jimmy is a lemon and he has no courage.
Jimmy is pro-corporatocracy (rule of the rich). With Jimmy as governor, it will be government of, by and for the big guy, not the little guy. It’ll be all about the money and control.
last but not least
Last night I witnessed first hand the fear the NEGOP has instilled in its members regarding our campaign for righteous government. The NEGOP is afraid of competition. This is not a good look. The NEGOP is not about looking for the best man for the job. They are about promoting the status quo, which is to vote for the lesser of two evils. Only this time, voting for the lesser of two evils doesn’t mean moving a little further to the left, it means losing our country.
Pray before you vote. Your vote is only worth what you spend it on. If you spend it on silliness, you don’t deem your vote to be worth much.
I had a man say to me last night, “I was afraid of throwing away my vote, but now, after listening to you, I know that, even if you lose, I won’t be throwing my vote away.”
We are not looking to lose. He could see that we are all about the fight…and the cause—which is government of, by and for the People—and we will win it one way or another.
God bless and have a great day.
Your humble servant,
Robert J. Borer, official write-in candidate for Governor, and the only candidate standing for your rights.
past issues
Wow!! The fear porn is incredible. So thankful for you Bob.
Hey Bob did you see where voicesofnebraska said Flood pushed through a bill giving SOS the right to remove malware in machines??? What does that mean? We know he wants the malware in there to win the election!!!😡😡😡 I do not usually listen to Jennifer but title caught my attention. I did not know if you knew about it.