Dear Friends,
Let me first say that the Melanie Standiford interview is now up. It’s 20 min long. You can listen here. Or below. Share away if you like what you hear.
now on to traitors
The role of government is to secure our God-given rights (to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness) and to prevent infringement of those rights.
Declaration of Independence—
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed…
NE State Constitution I-1—
Statement of rights.
All persons are by nature free and independent, and have certain inherent and inalienable rights; among these are life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, and the right to keep and bear arms for security or defense of self, family, home, and others, and for lawful common defense … and such rights shall not be denied or infringed by the state or any subdivision thereof. To secure these rights, and the protection of property, governments are instituted among people, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.
The role of government is NOT to baby-sit us.
The role of government is NOT to protect us from our own stupidity and laziness.
The role of government is NOT to provide subsidies (and thereby buy votes) by taking (stealing) from one and giving to another.
The role of government IS TO secure our God-given rights so we can manage our own lives.
There is no emergency exception clause in our Constitution that allows infringement.
(Note: Included in the role of securing our rights is avenging evil and executing wrath on those who do evil.)
So what happened during the plandemic (that will happen again, if we don’t get real leadership and get it soon)?
Did any member of any branch of our government, at any level, stay true to their oath and fulfill their responsibility to defend, protect and secure our rights against the “covid” tyranny?
Did any member stand up on their bully pulpit and defend the God-given rights of We the People from infringement by nwo “covid” tyrants??
Did any member rally the people in defiance of the “covid” tyranny??
Every member of our “elected” government betrayed their oath and either trampled upon our God-given rights themselves, or allowed others to do so without saying a word.
The checks and balances that were instituted by our founders (the three separate branches they instituted so that one branch of government could serve as a check on another branch if it gets out of control) all failed, because no one had the backbone to stand up, or the desire to think for themselves.
They were ALL traitors!!!!
So what do we do?
We do this:
We start making Nebraska great again, and Nebraska the land of the free and the home of the brave again, by first returning to genuine faith in God.
God who gave us life gave us liberty. And can the liberties of a nation be thought secure when we have removed their only firm basis, a conviction in the minds of the people that these liberties are of the Gift of God? That they are not to be violated but with His wrath? Indeed, I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just; that His justice cannot sleep forever... —Jefferson
By returning to faith in God, we lose our fear of temporal things, and fear God and God alone.
Being now full of faith and having no fear, we can easily say with Patrick Henry (paraphrased):
Life is NOT so dear and peace is NOT so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery.
…and the consequence is that we now have the courage to vote our values!
The only people who think life is so dear and peace is so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery are practical atheists who think voting for evil is a good thing and who justify voting that way by calling it a “lesser evil.”
Guess what? Voting for the “lesser evil” is voting for evil.
Bad idea.
(Note: A “practical atheist” is someone who professes a faith in God, but doesn’t live their life by that faith.)
If enough people vote their values, your next governor will be you-know-who and he WILL do his duty. He WILL defend your God-given rights with ALL the power vested in him by Article IV-6 of our State Constitution:
The supreme executive power shall be vested in the Governor, who shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed and the affairs of the state efficiently and economically administered.
The law that he will faithfully execute is found in Article I-1 referenced above: your “rights shall not be denied or infringed by the state or any subdivision thereof.”
He will defend and protect your rights from denial and infringement by all forms of tyranny, including plandemic tyranny, including medical tyranny, including taxation without representation tyranny, including election fraud tyranny, etc.
If too many people don’t vote their values, and we end up with more and continued tyranny, then we can talk about the right to alter or abolish a government that has lost its way.
Let me close with a couple of FB posts I’ve written lately:
If the Republican party believed in election integrity, they would have recruited a write-in candidate to oppose Evnen.
The NEGOP says they believe in election integrity.
If that belief has any meaning at all, it means they believe in and support transparent and verifiable elections.
If they believe in and support transparent verifiable elections, why are they supporting Pillen?
There was no transparency or verifiability in the primary "election" at all!
I’ll tell you why. Because of the love of money. They have to fall in line to get money. It’s the same ol’ story:
For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. (1Ti 6:10)
If you love your freedom, and don't want a corrupt Pete Ricketts representing our state in the U.S. Senate, vote BORER. (Write-in BORER)
Because a vote for BORER is a vote for your freedom, and your God-given rights, and a transparent government, and government of, by, and for THE PEOPLE, over and against two-bit plandemic tyrants like the NWO "mayor" of Lincoln Nebraska.
This is the standard for the Republican Party. If the devil had an R behind his name and made it through the primary, regardless of how corrupt that primary was, the Republican Party would tell everyone to vote for him in the general election.
We are running a write-in campaign so that our votes are not counted by the secret black box ballot tabulators, which only manipulate votes.
We have to break the cycle of machine fraud and voter abuse.
Simply write in my last name (BORER)...or my full name (ROBERT J. BORER)...and fill in the oval. And encourage all your friends to do the same.
This last one is an email exchange I shared. I received the following email:
My friend,
Is it too late for you to drop out of the race??
It's not up to us to demand an audit and go in and get data to prove it was wrong. It is up to them to show us it was right to our satisfaction. If not, they are not doing their job ....statutes dictate. If they are not doing their job they can be removed, apart from any appointment. We don't need an audit.
Primary went to Evnan because there were TWO other conservative opponents for them to split the vote between. Easy steal. No way to statistically uncover it.
Your campaign success next week will provide the same results to the DEM party and Blood will be governor. Whomever is counseling you likely understands this and is counting on you being in the race and knowing you will fail enough for them to give it to Blood.
If you don't understand what I'm talking about your campaign people have failed you.
Pray pray pray and read read read the Word to hear from God.
My response:
I suggest you send this message to Pillen, who participated in the dirty campaign against Herbster, who has no proof he won the primary by a vote of the people, who doesn't understand the primary role of government, who isn't speaking (because he can't speak), who is bought and paid for by special interests, who won't fight for the God-given rights of we the people, and on and on.
Moreover, I encourage *you to pray...and to vote your conscience, your values and your principles, rather than out of fear. Fear does not come from God, and fear-based voting only rewards the NEGOP for not doing their job.
The people splitting the vote are Ricketts and his puppet Pillen. We have the support of all fearless, Liberty-loving patriots.
Thank you for letting me know, once again, what a threat we are to the swamp. If I am being perceived as taking that many votes away from Sleepy Jim, then the choice should be easy for you. I encourage you to jump aboard.
Thanks and God bless
That’s it.
God bless and have a great day.
For the love of God, Country and Family,
Your humble servant,
Robert J. Borer
the distaste for Sleepy Jimmy
what I stand for
the letter I sent to every member of our executive and legislative branches
the storm is upon us
the numbers game
vote in such a way that you don’t have to hold your nose
We know the road ahead is rocky. We must eliminate Evmen along with the machines to secure our elections. Our evil Mayor, her paid for school board , appointed COP, the Rhinos and upcoming Rhinos must be eradicated from our Nebraska power positions if we are to have a just system.
Vote the only real choice. BORER.
"It's not up to us to demand an audit and go in and get data to prove it was wrong. It is up to them to show us it was right to our satisfaction. If not, they are not doing their job ....statutes dictate. If they are not doing their job they can be removed, apart from any appointment. We don't need an audit."
My God.
Just trust them to do their job. Sure. Let's let the foxes guard the hen house and trust them to tell us someone else killed the chickens. They've already proven themselves untrustworthy but we can trust them this time, right? I don't get the logic. Statutes dictate a lot of things but they don't dictate a damn thing if we've given to a corrupt group of people to enforce them. Which is exactly the point you've hammered on your entire campaign, Bob.
Then there's this glistening gem of solid fear:
"Your campaign success next week will provide the same results to the DEM party and Blood will be governor. Whomever is counseling you likely understands this and is counting on you being in the race and knowing you will fail enough for them to give it to Blood."
Let me reiterate: People get the government they deserve. What this passage says to me is, 'I'd rather be governed by a corrupt puppet with an R beside their name than a corrupt puppet with a D beside their name.'
To your point, Bob--the vote was split in the primary. Pillen's dirty hit job with Slama compromised the integrity of the election and denied the people the candidate they chose. The vote was effectively split at that point. But according to this twisted logic, we are to ignore that and just vote for the candidate the NEGOP chose for us. To just smile and nod and say, 'Well, that's just politics.' We are to be afraid of shibboleth of a Democrat taking power and let that fear override the fact that the NEGOP personally destroyed a man, our chosen candidate; to serve up an corrupt ersatz conservative version of the Democrat for us to vote for.
It only stops when we stop it. And this is how we stop it. Since the NEGOP has abandoned us and obviously doesn't care what we want-we write in the candidate of our choice. You bet we demand an audit and a hand count. The line gets drawn here. No further. And we'll keep drawing it until they get the message. Because WE are in power, not them.
In closing let me say: You can't polish a turd. And that's exactly what Pillen is.