Dear Friends,
Today, a guest editorial. The following was recently addressed to one of our state senators. It deserves wide attention.
Well I, for one, refuse to make any more decisions about my freedom and the freedom of this country based on fear. Cowards never succeed. If the only way to force the republicans to swallow their bad medicine is to have it be Blood-borne, then so be it. If we can’t even recapture our own party because we so fear the democrats then how in the hell are we going to take back our Country? Nothing worthwhile is without risk.
As for the elections, more laws don’t fix this. Freedom and integrity fix this. If we are unwilling to enforce laws we already have, what the hell difference does it make if we pass 100 more?
The Founders of this Nation were willing to put their lives on the line to fight off a tyrannical king. It would most certainly have been simpler for them to keep begging their “elected” representatives to intercede on their behalf. But after years of doing just that they had grown weary of the lies and excuses. AS DO WE. The republicans have been making hollow promises that are never kept since before John McCain.
It is time to fight in this country if we mean to remain free people. We now have a chance to do that at the ballot box or we can wait until the fighting is in the streets. One way or the other my friend, it’s coming. I have been holding my nose and voting for republicans for the last 20 years and have nothing but more tyranny to show for it. The republican party is now a party of elitists just like the democrats. They are bereft of integrity. They no longer speak the language of freedom, but of fascism. Vote for who we tell you to or else. Party First. Hmmm…that sounds eerily close to the cry of the Nazi Party. When the rallying cry of the republicans is “Vote for us because we suck less than they do,” then I’m out.
And allow me to remind you, it was the republican party who gave us the venerable Al Davis in the first place. They also backed him in your first race against him, not because he was a beacon of freedom, but because he was the incumbent. Party first, remember?
Well, I say no more. This far, NO farther. It’s time to save our Republic, republicans be damned.
Show me anywhere that our Founders suggested that a new law would save them from the King? We must learn to think and fight like the warriors who founded this country. They understood that freedom was not a notion that could be protected by a simple law, nor could it be set aside in order to vote for a candidate the party demands we vote for. Freedom lies within the hearts of the people and only the people can protect it. Patrick Henry said that we should, “Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect everyone who approaches that jewel. Unfortunately, nothing will preserve it but downright force. Whenever you give up that force, you are inevitably ruined.” I will take his advice over that of the republican party thank you very much.
Thomas Jefferson reminds us, “The issue today is the same as it has been throughout history, whether man shall be allowed to govern himself or be ruled by a small elite.” Pete Ricketts and Jim Pillen are part of that “small elite”. They win elections because they have the money to win elections, not because anything in their character makes them the right choice.
So, if your only answer to fix this is to write another law and vote for Pillen, then you should pack your bug out bag my friend because this country is over. When our politicians are allowed to choose their own successors that is not a government Of, By and For the People. That is a government of, by and for the politicians. I challenge you to put this test to the republican party instead of the people. If they actually love this country and want to protect our freedoms, believe in government of the people, tell them to step aside. I know what the answer will be, but it would be an interesting illustration I believe. If this vote is split it is the absolute and direct fault of the republican party, not the people of the state of Nebraska who choose to exercise free will and the right to vote for who they choose, not who they’re ordered to vote for. I can and will think for myself.
I love you my friend and have nothing but profound respect and gratitude for your service. But I think you’ve spent too much time amongst men as those in the book of Mark. Who, having eyes see not and having ears hear not and cannot remember. The politicians in this country have failed to see the rage of the people, failed to hear their cries and cannot remember who it is they serve. Politics as usual has destroyed this country and along with it our freedom.
My loyalty shall continue to lie with the United States Constitution and not with the republican party. Parties come and go, freedom is far, far more valuable.
Very well said, don’t you think? I certainly do. A great complement to what I wrote recently here.
The republican party isn’t God and has no right to tell you who to vote for. Huge mistake.
We are getting great traction. Here’s the numbers game. We are here to win. There is a God in heaven, and He is on the side of those who fear Him and put Him first. (Yes, our Founders had the audacity to say the same thing…that God was on their side. Just because men deem you a traitor means nothing. God decides.)
The republican party isn’t putting God first with Sleepy Jimmy. They are putting fear first…and money first…and Ricketts first. There is no proof in our corrupt “elections” that Jimmy is the nominee. None. Nebraskans didn’t elect him. The machines selected him. When are they going to wake up? We DON’T have election integrity.
Kearney went very well last night. Thank you, Karen Smith!
The after-conversation went very well too. Some great things in the making.
We are in Valentine today (the Library at 3:00) and O’Neill at 7:00.
Chadron and Gordon on Sunday. Text for details. 402.570.2549.
Last but by no means least, PRAY. There’s no better life than the one lived in the secret place of the Most High.
For God, Family and Country,
Your humble servant,
what I stand for
the distaste for Sleepy Jimmy
vote for someone you don’t have to hold your nose to vote for…seriously
🙏♥️🔥💥👏👏🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸👍 very well said
"who was that masked (editorialist) man?)! Here's mine, and it will go to my "representatives?", and friends?, with this update from RJB. "Just the facts Mammn".
Please do not treat Omaha lightly - I am weary of the little Marxists, Black Lives Matters and Megan Hunt signs every where - Particularly Dundee. Lived here since Dec 1971 and can't foresee surviving the out of wack property taxes, and the unresponsive King George style The Mayor), Douglas County Board and City Council and their "stakeholders", partners, non-profits, and National Associations that suggest/write our "best practices" and "programs" for this and that. Not to mention of course their "Legislative Matters" that swing more weight with our "one horse legislature" (the second house?) than "We the people", or the Constitution of the United States!
The state and local gov't bodies think that 5 minutes or less for you , "the elector", is sufficient for "petitioning " your gov't! And if they don't like what you say or when you say it they call you out of order and order a sheriff's deputy or state trooper, at taxpayer expense, to escort you out. That doesn't work well for school boards, boards of ed., ...., has it?
And who is it that teaches them how to get around the intent of the Constitutions' and the "Open Meetings Act" and it's "... shall enforce ..." clause? And who is it that keeps defeating the process of ARTICLE V of the Us Constitution with the lie that a convention of "we the people" from "The States" (not the congress and/or State Legislators) to only "propose" Amendments to further define their responsibility to the "legal" citizen, would be another Con-Con!
The progressives, the leftist, the marxists and neo-nazis with their "Critical Theory" (CRT/CRE) to change our culture - that's who!
Let's start the revolution by electing Robert J. Borer