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"who was that masked (editorialist) man?)! Here's mine, and it will go to my "representatives?", and friends?, with this update from RJB. "Just the facts Mammn".

Please do not treat Omaha lightly - I am weary of the little Marxists, Black Lives Matters and Megan Hunt signs every where - Particularly Dundee. Lived here since Dec 1971 and can't foresee surviving the out of wack property taxes, and the unresponsive King George style The Mayor), Douglas County Board and City Council and their "stakeholders", partners, non-profits, and National Associations that suggest/write our "best practices" and "programs" for this and that. Not to mention of course their "Legislative Matters" that swing more weight with our "one horse legislature" (the second house?) than "We the people", or the Constitution of the United States!

The state and local gov't bodies think that 5 minutes or less for you , "the elector", is sufficient for "petitioning " your gov't! And if they don't like what you say or when you say it they call you out of order and order a sheriff's deputy or state trooper, at taxpayer expense, to escort you out. That doesn't work well for school boards, boards of ed., ...., has it?

And who is it that teaches them how to get around the intent of the Constitutions' and the "Open Meetings Act" and it's "... shall enforce ..." clause? And who is it that keeps defeating the process of ARTICLE V of the Us Constitution with the lie that a convention of "we the people" from "The States" (not the congress and/or State Legislators) to only "propose" Amendments to further define their responsibility to the "legal" citizen, would be another Con-Con!

The progressives, the leftist, the marxists and neo-nazis with their "Critical Theory" (CRT/CRE) to change our culture - that's who!

Let's start the revolution by electing Robert J. Borer

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