Fellow Citizens of Nebraska,
Nearly seven score and 18 years ago (i.e., 158 years ago), We the People of Nebraska, grateful to Almighty God for our freedom, ordained and established certain inherent and inalienable rights that were not to be denied or infringed by the State or any subdivision thereof.
At the same time, in order to secure those rights, We also ordained and established a frame of government, the members of which were to be decided by the Consent of We the People. (It goes without saying, then, that Consent, i.e., elections, belong to We the People and not to government . . . and that government is supposed to serve We the People and not the other way around.)
Those rights and that frame of government were voted on by We the People and constitutionalized. In other words, they now stand as the SUPREME law of Nebraska (Preamble and Article I-1).
Note: There is no emergency clause anywhere in We the People’s Constitution that allows for the alienation of our INALIENABLE (and self-governing) rights.
Inalienable MEANS inalienable.
it’s time for We the People to issue a report card on government (and not allow government to pat itself on the back)
(Pillen will be offering a state of the State address soon, that I expect to be self-patronizing. I’m pre-empting it.)
How well, of late, has the State and its political subdivisions been doing at securing the rights of We the People?
the grade
We the People give our “government” the following grade:
We give the State and all its political subdivisions a stern and stiff grade of T, for Treason.
the basis for a grade of treason
Our so-called public servants have betrayed their oaths to our Constitution, and continue, to this day, to give aid and comfort to our enemies.
Our elections have been subverted.
Nothing is more important to our constitutional republic and our freedom than transparent and verifiably honest elections.
The subversion of our elections constitutes the subversion of We the People and our Constitution.
Our elections have been outsourced by rogue government actors to private, secret, corporate interests (enemies within) that refuse to provide any public-facing transparency or verifiability.
Needless to say, We the People are taking a huge beating, coming and going, due to this outsourcing. IOW, we are paying a huge price on both the front and back end.
Elections do not belong to government. They belong to We the People.
who is directly responsible for this subversion?
The executive branch, for starters.
Particularly the governor and secretary.
The secretary has subversively assumed law-making power.
The governor and the rest of the executive branch say nothing.
The governor is vested with “supreme executive power” and is supposed to take care that our laws are faithfully executed (with We the People’s Constitution being the highest law) and the affairs of the state efficiently and economically administered.
Pillen’s refusal to take care that our elections are faithfully administered and “free from outside influence” is disgraceful . . . and treasonous.
The legislative branch.
Our uniscameral [spelling intentional] is vested with legislative (law-making) authority.
Of course, all legislation must be in line with our Constitution.
Our legislators refuse to push back against our rogue secretary (of state) and provide We the People with statutory checks and balances (public-facing transparency and verifiability laws) in OUR elections.
This, again, is disgraceful and treasonous.
County boards.
County board members have the power of the purse.
But board members refuse to stand up to our rogue secretary on behalf of their local neighbors and demand the obvious, i.e., elections that are transparent and verifiable by We the People.
Again, disgraceful and treasonous.
WHY won’t anyone in “government” stand up?
Because they have no backbone.
Because they have an obvious moral turpitude problem.
Because the system worked for them and that’s all they care about.
Those who have been s-elected by our subverted elections obviously don’t want to call the process into question. (Which is precisely why they are s-elected! —assuming they weren’t the only candidate.)
Until We return to Consent that is the verifiable Voice and Will of We the People, We are in a lawless no man’s land.
And tyranny will rule the day.
In our elections and elsewhere, including fake pandemics.
We must change the course and administration of our elections.
I don’t expect it to come willingly in Nebraska. It’ll have to come from above. We can’t have election fraud in any state when it comes to choosing our federal servants. It affects other states.
I’ll be sending this letter to members of government across the state. Feel free to copy and paste.
God bless,
Robert J. Borer
Here’s a quote that might interest you:
This report underscores the critical need for meaningful legislative reform in Texas election processes, focusing first on the NONDELEGATION DOCTRINE, immediately removing all rule-making authority from the Secretary of State, restoring all authority to the State Legislature over the time, place and manner of elections. Restoring auditability and ballot secrecy by eliminating Countywide Vote Centers and casting ballots by precinct once again. Adding a means of enforcement for increased compliance with legal standards, by adding a due penalty to each section of the Texas Election Code. And codifying the Sheriff as the Chief Election Code Enforcement Officer in each county, further removing state-level executive obfuscation from the Secretary of State’s office, who authorized issues reported by citizens to the Sheriff. The Secretary of State’s office cannot be allowed to investigate procedures they, themselves, authorized and implemented. The facilitation of widespread fraud without detection cannot be allowed to continue. Voter ID, Auditability, Public Access to records, Ballot Secrecy, and Registration criteria must all be enforced vigorously to ensure public trust in their ability to self-govern.”
Great write as usual. 🙏❤️🇺🇸 The Cherry County GOP did a resolution protesting the EID mandate. Our resolution was adopted yesterday at the GOP State Central Committee meeting in Omaha. Our commissioner's are voting to adopt it at their next meeting, and it appears it has unanimous support, we will see. We are working on another one, we will be brainstorming the 26th, should we go in the election direction, do I have your permission to quote parts of the above if we choose to? Please and thank you, you can email me privately if you prefer.
Did you know that when a County Grand Jury and a County (well regulated) Militia (as in our Second Amendment) is set up properly can/do investigate and indict those local representatives as well as private corporations?