Dear Friends,
digital campaign idea for the day
someone makes a suggestion
the definition of a cult
reader comment
coming events
digital campaign idea for the day
Here’s the idea. Text the following to friends, family acquaintances, etc:
Check out this letter Robert J. Borer wrote to every member of our Legislative and Executive Branches, and then check out his website.
someone makes a suggestion
Someone wrote me and offered a suggestion:
“Please consider going easy on using God’s name, in your town hall meetings. If you tell the people, God directed you to run, then you lose the election. They will wonder why. … it might rock their faith in God, or you. Many will just assume, “I guess Borer read the tea leaves wrong, God really didn’t call him to run.” That will affect your political future should you decide to run for anything down the road, and it will affect all other Christian candidates who claim God called them to run too. The audience will say to themselves, “I’ve heard this song and dance before, this candidate too is wrong about God’s call.”
Here was my response:
It doesn’t follow that just because God called me to run, that this means I will win. It only means that God is giving people a choice. In Scripture we read about God calling men to go and preach repentance. That doesn’t mean the people they preach repentance to will repent.
Now…someone else has said that God told them I would be Nebraska’s next governor, but I have never said that myself. I will let God and the people make that decision, assuming people actually have a voice through an election that actually has integrity.
the definition of a cult
“Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious People. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” —John Adams
A moral and religious people is a people that puts God first…and man second…and party second. Any system of thought that tries to take the place of God and the liberty of conscience in one’s life is the definition of a cult.
We all know the NEGOP is trying to deprive county parties of autonomy in at least one of their endorsements (the governor’s race).
The Republican party has, to a large degree, departed from its founding priniciples, not the least of which is opposition to slavery, which comes in many forms.
Republican party leadership has no more right to tell people how to vote than its people have a right to tell them how to vote. This is what we call equality of rights. You don’t rule over me and I don’t rule over you.
If the leadership wants “their” people to vote a certain way, then they better make their best case. Simply stating that Sleepy Jimmy is the nominee, when our elections are not actually elections, is as lame as it gets. And even if our elections were sound, just because he made it through the primary doesn’t say anything about his character, integrity, platform, etc.
I’ve crisscrossed the state. There are very few Jimmy signs on residential property. I’m getting pictures constantly from people who have put up one of our residential signs. They are even having their own printed when I can’t get to them.
It’s the difference between running a campaign on the idea of government of, by and for common people and running a campaign on the idea of government of, by and for corporations and rich people.
It’s the difference between talking to people, and having something important to say, and hiding from them because you have nothing to say.
I just happened to be at Mark’s house when he put his sign up. And it was his suggestion to take the picture (which he posted on social media), not mine.
Moving on.
reader comment
coming events
This coming Saturday.
Rick Hill is asking everyone who is available, and interested in helping to get the word out, to meet at 12:30 (this is two hours before the game starts) on the east side of Memorial Stadium. I will be there. So will a 100,000 potentially impressionable people.
This coming Sunday: Hasting and GI. If you know anyone in either area, let them know.
That’s it.
Just an FYI before closing. This campaign is completely organic and of the People. People are taking it upon themselves to set up meetings so others can hear what I have to say. They are asking what they can do to help get the word out. I’m not asking anyone to do anything, other than ask people to support what others have initiated.
A special shout out to Bob and Kristine Bernt for all they are doing for this campaign of government of, by and for the people. There are many others. We will mention them in the coming days.
Much thanks to everyone who is helping. Great meeting last night, Barb Stohlmann. Thank you and God bless you. Thanks also to everyone who came.
God says, “Come let us reason together.” We did that.
God bless one and all.
For the love of God, Family and Country,
Your humble servant,
Robert J. Borer
the distaste for Sleepy Jimmy
what I stand for
the letter I sent to every member of our executive and legislative branches
the storm is upon us
the numbers game
vote in such a way that you don’t have to hold your nose
Having been in a cult for years.....the manipulation of the mind is NOT readily known to the individual UNTIL you step away from the source n allow yourself to take in opposing information. Cognitive dissonance is the major issue one must overcome. You MUST allow information to act as a hammer n chisel n break down the barriers of indoctrination. The sign of an educated person is being able to rationally n critically hear things that make you cringe, make your heart palpate or you are opposed to WITHOUT allowing emotion to control that journey. Emotions generate fears. The NEGOP n members are captive to an emotional concept.....that concept needs to be done away with. The new manner of governance by We the People must stir each of us into action - rationally following our hearts and open minds.
Use God's name as much as you can. God is our leader and Bob, your our voice!