Apr 10Liked by Robert J. Borer

Excellent - once again Robert! Here's my testimony before the Douglas Co. (Borered) yesterday. https://commissioners.douglascounty-ne.gov/board-meetings/videos 4/9/24. I had sent them your letter, with my comments (for the record), the day before. DC Election Commissioner Brian Kruse regurgitated his DC Elections propaganda (at 29 minutes), then I presented a copy of "We the People's" petition to him summarizing what I put in writing. ("Sir - on this day of your presentation I want you to have a copy of this request - in hope that you will assist "We the People" in this "Petition" for Due Process in OUR State and Local Gov'ts here in River Ciity! We acknowledge that you you may have been duped, as were many others in the Election hierarchy and Gov't, and hereby offer this opportunity for a thorough discussion with us - before the Board, and eventually the public!.)

Of course they didn't like it, spewed praise and safety of the elections, and chose not to respond personally to that or OUR (my) "indictment" I added to your letter to them on Monday. Here is what I added "

On Mon, 8 Apr, 2024 at 9:50 AM, me <lcstorer@centurylink.net> wrote: (FWD to them)

To: wayne.bena@nebraska.gov; waynebena@yahoo.com; robert.evnen@nebraska.gov; revnen@compuserve.com

Cc: daniel.esch@douglascounty-ne.gov; roger.garcia@douglascounty-ne.gov; maureen.boyle@douglascounty-ne.gov; maryann.borgeson@douglascounty-ne.gov; mike.friend@douglascounty-ne.gov; james.cavanaugh@douglascounty-ne.gov; crodgers@douglascounty-ne.org; paul.morgan@douglascounty-ne.gov

Hear Ye! As the Douglas Co. Ne Board of Commissioners will host the Douglas Co, (Appointed) Election Commissioner, Brian Kruse, for a "Presentation" at their "Public Meeting" on Teusday 4/9/24 - Our "Committee of Safety" and "Associators" hereby issue the following "Declaration" (Not An "Olive Branch Petition!) to: "...change,alter,replace,...reinstitute.....Government that...."! 4/8/24

"FYI -We the People, want OUR "Presentation" re the "stolen election "of 2020 - to a formal "Public Meeting" before The Douglas County Board of Commissioners, and each of the other 92 counties to include each County's "Election Commissioner" and staff, the Secretary of State and Deputy, their Chief Staff, the AG and the County Attorney(s). this "Public Mtg." presentation to be re; the Ne Open Meetings Statute, it's "enforcement"? and the Circumstantial Evidence of Nationwide Election Fraud, and coverup, mostly via the Secretary's of State, his instructions ...., "appointed Election Commissioners, his staff, and workers/poll watchers instructed by them!! Recent (not so "reasonable rules) of the Douglas County Board are temporally suspended - as "an Emergency Exists"!

As "We the People" own this Constitutional Republic ("Unique"), NOT a democracy, WE hereby indict all the above - to appear before us on charges of failure to practice your oath's of office - thereby probable cause for formal charges of Treason and/or Sedition - for which there is no Immunity!

Mr. Robert J. Borer will be the OUR "Presentor" and various groups of Patriots defending, preserving, OUR elections will be "Proponents", the above addresses to be "Opponents" with only one chance for a max of 3-5 minutes each, to answer/prove the ESS machines/software, and handling of OUR votes - was not in "secrecy", fraudulent, .....!

Mr. Borer does have "Standing" as .......! We the People do have "Standing" as ....! And I have requested this "Presentation" many times at the County and State levels in numerous appearances and emails!

"Just In:

On Mon, 8 Apr, 2024 at 6:06 AM, Robert Borer <robertjborer@gmail.com> wrote: ....." You can FFWD but the entire Mtg. was very interesting - more so if present - you can observe the shenaigans, if you can hear them, see their expressions!

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Apr 10Liked by Robert J. Borer

they don't give a damn

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Apr 10Liked by Robert J. Borer

LOVE it‼️‼️‼️. I’m sure they hate it😄. Can’t they clearly see they’re caught with their hand in the cookie jar? ….and ‘someone’ just slammed the jar “CLOSED”! 🎉🎉

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As always…. well done at the commish meeting.

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