Mar 18, 2023Liked by Robert J. Borer

I stand in complete agreement with you and appreciate your tireless work.

I have noticed many "Christians" as of late thinking we are finally now in the "last days"; that we are seeing bible prophecy fulfilled as I write. I think we need to be very cautious about this mindset.

For one thing, some dispensationalists expect things to get worse and worse and so sit back and do nothing and let it get worse b/c "that's what is suppose to happen."

I completely disagree with that theology.

I have done some research into the Scoffield Reference Bible and am convinced that the Deep State players employed C.I. Scoffield to write his notes to deceive the masses of christians into believing a full fledged line of crap doctrine with the main purpose of accepting it while sitting idly by.

The Bible was not written TO us. It was written to those living in that time. It was preserved FOR us. I hate to see it treated like a modern day newspaper.

I am not directing this at you Bob. I am just seeing countless "Christians" buying into the drama and I believe it is just in time with the Deep State's playbook.

With much love and ongoing prayer.

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Mar 18, 2023Liked by Robert J. Borer

Sharing in South Dakota, my friend. We share the same problem. And we will continue to fight to restore our rights no matter what.

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Bob, the Bible verses you select are great! Here's another one: Romans 9:28. "For he will finish the work, and cut it short in righteousness: because a short work will the Lord make upon the earth." I believe the time for this fulfillment begins with events to happen this month.

Tomorrow, Sunday March 19 is a zoom call by Nebraska Voter Accuracy Project soliciting ideas to get off dead center, politically speaking:


Meeting ID: 799 759 1048

Passcode: qtF5fr

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Mar 18, 2023Liked by Robert J. Borer

I posted it on Facebook! I sent it to my friends that I know are out of state! That have family,& friends in Nebraska ! I ask them, just send to all their family and friends back in Nebraska. Thank you Bob for all that you do. Some of these things we had no clue. Keep waking up the rest of the Nebraskans! God bless you!

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Mar 19, 2023Liked by Robert J. Borer

If Hilgers aspires for a higher office in the future he should start now by laying down a solid foundation through and for "We the People" - the ones who can support him to reach his higher aspirations.

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Mar 19, 2023Liked by Robert J. Borer

LB808 needs comments from you please.

Your knowledge is very admirable.. One can only hope Hilgers will do his job and we can send gentle reminders his way.

We sorely need you as the SOS. NOW That's worthy of a prayer.🙏

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Mar 19, 2023·edited Mar 19, 2023Liked by Robert J. Borer

Well, well, well, wouldn't the D of I ALSO APPLY TO A STATE LEGISLATURE? "...When that goverment.... it is your right, your duty to .....! This would also then negate the legislature from contolling "the States" Application (meaning the people of the states - not the Legislatures) for an Article V Convention - independent of the defunct state legislature. Just as in the pre-constitution days we the people can meet with people of other states - in convention to chart a path for mutual safety and to alter the Articles of Confederation or the New Constitution. This is meant as a hopeful means to forstall another armed revolution.

Lets start the process as a means to declare to them that they are like King Charles III and we are declaring them void and separated from we the people! Start forming committees in your neighborhoods,....now! Post notices all over - per the GGGGG? Grandsons and Daughters of the Revolution!

Tar, feathers, rails,......to be necessary? Hilgers had a chance to testify against three Election bills last Thursday before the GNVA Commiitee - to refute Bob Evnen's testimony - pretending to reute the Assn. of County Officials Re; all mail in ballots, all elections,....! Evnen was for it four years ago, before he was again it last thursday! tI did testify again three sort of stupid(?) or intentional(?) election bills last thursday!

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I think how nice it would be if Hilgers does his job and stops all this illegal stuff, but we know way too much evil in our government right now. Let's see where he stands. God will protect him if he is faithful. Thanks Bob!🙏♥️🇺🇸👍👏💥💥💥🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

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