Jun 26Liked by Robert J. Borer


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Amen Robert! We must repent. In all areas. Our prayer/meditation life as far as I am concerned is dialog with my Heavenly Father. We must listen. Stop and listen to what God is saying... it is very clear, and least it has been in my prayer/meditative life.

God bless you all in our mission to turn our country back to Him, Our Creator.

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Jun 26Liked by Robert J. Borer

This is just exactly what I was thinking of as I prayed.giving Thanks to our Father for his love. His grace is enough. I want to pray more effectively to praise worship give thanks and accept the blessings that are something that I'd we are not careful we don't see they are blessings.

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Jun 27Liked by Robert J. Borer

Thank you Bob.

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Also know that God has already promised to do what we pray for, and remind Him of that promise.

Great reminder, Robert! I'm going to re-read this one a few times and take it to action.

I happen to be privy to this: the outcome of this struggle is so sure that God also wants us to prophetically celebrate that outcome now.

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Jun 26·edited Jun 26Author

I've seen people presume upon God, thinking they could simply ask and that God was then obligated to answer and give them what they asked for. I've seen lots of people do that. I have a history of doing it myself, because of the way I was raised. I think that is what James called asking "amiss." It often involves asking for our lives to be made easier, in opposition to God's larger plan. The prayers of the prophets and people of old had a different nature. Those prayers involved travail, and wrestling with God . . . and fasting, to bring themselves into alignment with God on a broader scale.

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Jun 26Liked by Robert J. Borer

Amen I think that we are all called the suffering as Christ did so we can understand what he done for us. And through prayer and fasting, we receive graces. God‘s always are not our ways all the time, though we’d sure like to make him think like we do. This was a great one again Robert thank you posted on Facebook as I always do. I hope people read and learn and wake up and closer to Christ our Lord God

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