Sep 24Liked by Robert J. Borer

Thanks Bob. It's too bad it falls on the deaf ears of the board members (aka: public servants). Worse than that is the fact that the Holy Spirit doesn't convict them because they choose not to recognize our savior Jesus Christ. These public servants actually put forth significant effort in order to occupy those chairs - only to waste time and tax mayor money as they do nothing more than keep the chairs warm. Years ago in this country, and still applies in many countries today, there were decisions and actions based upon honor or shame. These people possess neither. Pray for their families that they would individually seek out Jesus and not follow in these footsteps.

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Sep 24Liked by Robert J. Borer

I just finished watching you speaking at Lancaster County Board. I tried to talk about something at my county board and the Attorney said I can't talk about that it is political. This was my second time. The Attorney had a sub the time before. So, I gave them a PSA from the FBI and CISA, ICYMI. It was on the DDoS Attack. I included info from the head of CISA. So this time I was notifying them of just who is running the country. Since everyone knows it's not Sniffy. As you can see it is not political it is governmental. So the people running the country are the CIGIE or Council. He did not stop me though, because everything I was going to say was on the handout. Plus pictures of a lot of the Criminals. I was going to do something today but I'm still recovering from storm damage. My answer to how to beat Crowdstrike was: Paper Ballots hand counted in the Precincts delivered by hand on paper to the courthouse, total the Precincts and deliver by hand on paper to Lincoln. NO MACHINES. What to you think?

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I agree with what you say at the end.

Someone needs to talk to that attorney about the First Amendment.

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But the OM Act permits them to make reasonable rules!!!

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Sep 24Liked by Robert J. Borer

At minimum!

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Sep 24·edited Sep 24Liked by Robert J. Borer

"The word of ES&S was simply accepted by the committee members without any proof."

Forgive me for suggesting this, but " The word NOT GIVEN UNDER OATH by ES&S was simply accepted ..." As far as anyone knows, ES&S has NEVER been under oath! Attesting under oath is ALWAYS done in such hearings by testifiers!

Even so, you've done a fantastic job yet again! God bless you and continue to give you even more grace to accomplish what He has called you to accomplish (I pray that for you and some others every morning...for months now).

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Great point, Brother!!

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Sep 24Liked by Robert J. Borer

Yes Robert has! There few others doing great also! It’s definitely a constant uphill battle for all of them! But the Holy Spirit is definitely give Robert the gift of knowing what to say. Thank you, Robert for all that you do for all of us and put the state in Nebraska.

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♥️ Thank you Connie, for all your support!!

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Sep 24Liked by Robert J. Borer

Bob, Your words are wonderfully descriptive and I plan on using them myself self down the road HERE.

Don’t stop now.

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Thank you Brother!

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Sep 24·edited 19 hrs agoLiked by Robert J. Borer

You have inspired me to continue hammering away at the Douglas Co. Commissars and Omaha's City Council "Peanut Gallery". Please take some time and listen to their response to me (indirectly) of course! Which would not happen if I wasn't a pest! I wear the red "KAG" hat I got from LT in 2016!

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Sep 24Liked by Robert J. Borer

God bless you Larry, you are another one of the Warriors that I speak of thank you for all that you do. God bless you abundantly and protect you all also in your family and God protect Nebraska and may we have God’s blessings and return to honest elections and people turning back to God.

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Thsnks and GBU for your work.

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Sep 24Liked by Robert J. Borer

I can’t thank you enough Robert. You have definitely made me have some some. Hope I pray and pray for all of us and for our state and I beg God‘s protection over you. I truly get concerned sometimes because you are bold with the Holy Spirit, but I know that the precious blood of Jesus and his crown of thorns around you protecting you and your family,keep up the great fight! They have to be shaking in their boots when you don’t give up! they know that you’ve exposed them ,that’s got to concern them , & for them ever getting elected again, other than cheating!

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Sep 24Liked by Robert J. Borer

Thanks Robert ! Anybody who enjoys Roberts content would most likely enjoy LTC Steven Murray on rumble, X, and Telegram. His latest sitrep on rumble yesterday 9/23/24 is a good one.

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Re: Douglas Co. and Omaha City Council: Heres the thing - we lost the Republic quitely!

(1) https://commissioners.douglascounty-ne.gov/board-meetings/videos 9/24/24 - at 7: 15 sec No values fpr ??? at 21 min 9 secs - DEI in action? My Commissar"s reply - at 1hr 35 min 46 secs Crime Stats? my reply that they WORK FOR US (not 501(c)3's , community partners,....! (Black women's maternity disparity???? Uhhhh - property tax decrease???

(2) https://cityclerk.cityofomaha.org/category/city-council-downloads/videos/ 9/24/24 - at 2 min 39 secs City of Omaha - at 29 min 41 sec Junita Johnson challenges the city's "engaggement" with an effected citizen! -

at 31:22 THEIR " Consent Agenda"! - then "The Crossroads" Redevelopement (UHHHHHH? how long delayed and renegotiated and why? Slpain please Mr, Festersen) -

Note : Listen to KFAB's Scott Vorhees podcast of 9/25 https://www.iheart.com/podcast/669-vintage-voorhees-27091316/ and here's my email to him - "Right on Scotty - but what about Playland Park, Sunset Speedway, Drive in Theaters? Please try yo "Present" your Podcast of today at the Douglas Co. Board and the Ciity "TIF" Council! But for that it would never had happened! Like a "Wimpy Burger? "iI' glady pay you TM for a Burger today!"??? Larry Storer

finally at 37:57 - can you hear her? him? Which items? comment on every item at the same 2-3 minutes given??? I couldn't hear which items they referred to and by the time I looked at the paper he had closed the hearing. did he even look up to see if anyone was attempting to stand? not there many more than me there at that point! Oh well doesn't matter what citizens want!

Interesting that after I spoke with two reps about the volume and clarity. I have no problems hearing in the AM DCB but usually do at the CC -particularly certain people - only. Partly negligence and partly intentional! I have Complained many times! Even JJ says she thinks they intentionally turn down her mike.

Another violation of the OMA, as is the new sign in to speak procedure - when there are seldom more than a few citizens - and haven't analized all the items before arriving, and are expected to state which, BEFORE entering???

They either don't get it or they don't want citizens there - You only get 2- 3 minutes anyway! ---- the People!

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