interesting how they call us 'election deniers' as I've not heard any of the patriots deny their was an election. :) though we deny the integrity of the ballots counted. :)
thanks you all you do for the fight for America! Stay Strong! Stay Courageous!
I know you feel all alone at times, but PLEASE don't give up! Fights end in victory for one side and defeat for the other side...unless the side who is justified to be fighting gives up. Not all of us can be located close enough to you that you always see us fighting, nor can all of us remain at the very front of battle at all times, nor can all of us be top level heroes along with and beside you in that battle. But giving up puts us in unimaginable bondage.
Romans 8-9:
8:15 "For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear, but...the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us....the creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious LIBERTY of the children of God....What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us? He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also FREELY GIVE US ALL THINGS? [as booty and spoil of battle Hab. 2:4,7-8]....Who shall lay any thing to the charge of God's elect? It is God that justifieth. Who is he that condemneth? [that we are given the booty and spoil of the vanquished]....Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors [because we take possession of the wealth of the sinner for Kingdom's use] through him that loved us....For he will finish the work, and cut it short in righteousness: because a short work will the Lord make upon the earth." Ending with Romans 9:28
This is a battle of the epochs; a cheaply won victory would trivialize the moment.
The Holy Spirit definitely speaks through you Bob. God bless you too and Lord has you on this mission to save Ne! Now we need people to start fighting against 5G being turned on in Nebraska! I am very disturbed we have a tower right here in town and now they plan on going to 5G March 28 😰🙏🙏doesn’t take much research to find out how evil they are, just like the turbines, very close to the school like block!
Getting interference on TV's , Radio, Lights buzzing? Dundee is now covered Every few blocks with new small towers - that start off looking like new streetlights? Might be Verizon?, Cox, Century Link Fiber?Also now Speed monitors to tell you your speed - on main streets for now!
I think he is talklng to us thru you Bob. I hope that many that are not yet tuned in will be guided to do so. Right now there is hope. Kfab has been great the last few days - then had Sen. Tom Brewer on Yesterday. I haven't listened just yet, but....! The afternoon show 2-4 has a guest host - some good stuff, but his comments re: the Article V Provision for Amendments needs to be proven. He says the the threshold for CONGRESS to CALL the convention was met in the 1970's but they did nothing??? And the Stes do not call it - Congress does! Then Constitution Jim .... came on and rattled on. I did call in, i think the next day, but I think they cut me off?
I so appreciate you sending this out Bob. We must get this out to all of Nebraska! I pray this is the needle in the voter fraud haystack. Bob Evnen MUST BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE for this!
Our campaign has officially kicked off..... "25K MIA"
Our website will be up soon. We plan to citizen reporters to go out through Nebraska talking with individuals about their knowledge of the 25K MIA and what SOS Bob Evnen is doing about it?
Thanks again for all you do and your support! THIS IS GOD's COUNTRY and this is A REVOLUTION!
Patriot Penny, I have several URLs pointed to a very hand-built web page plus other URLs pointed to other sites with very hand-built pages. I'm trying to say that I really can't build a page that is presentable. How do you get your page presentable? Do you hire it out?
I’d be happy to assist. I know some code, but it’s not something I enjoy. Let’s just say I get by. I use to be the web manager at a local church. I volunteer to do NEvoterAP website. I’ve found a using content management sites fairly quick and painless. Like you I have no extra money to spend so I try to find the best deal. The domain I just bought cost $6 a year. the content management is costing $17 monthly. It’s the least cost I’ve found. If you’d like to reach out for more chat on this you can email me at
Again. Happy to always get the truth to the people. 👍🏻🇺🇸
I don't know what you mean by "content management". I pay only for the domain names, nothing else. I guess if I needed more file space it would cost money, but I just make do with the bit of free space I find.
What I meant was what page development tool do you use to make the page attractive, except I'm really not interested in learning a tool (especially if it costs money and won't run on free Linux Mint; no Window$ or Mac for me)
God bless you for the work you are doing!!! I pray every day that everyone of them are expose for who and what they are. I pray they are taken down and held accountable I don’t care who it is! I pray that anyone in the state that needs exposed God exposes them! I even have friends out of state praying for Nebraska!
I've read that the Ukrainian election that put Zelensky into power had all the signs of having been conducted by the election-thievery apparatus. Maybe Zelensky could have won without it, but I'm told it was involved, anyway.
Keep up the pressure. God Bless!
He needs GONE!! So does Pillen all these evil minions! Pray pray that they are all completely exposed and held accountable
that's the plan Connie..... we get answers OR he's GONE!
Do you ever get replies? Not even to refute you? Why wasn't Evnen there on Thursday to refute US ElECTION DENIERS?
Nope! I got two replies recently. Hunt and Sanders.
interesting how they call us 'election deniers' as I've not heard any of the patriots deny their was an election. :) though we deny the integrity of the ballots counted. :)
thanks you all you do for the fight for America! Stay Strong! Stay Courageous!
Exactly ! Because he’d have to answer to his evil ways!
I know you feel all alone at times, but PLEASE don't give up! Fights end in victory for one side and defeat for the other side...unless the side who is justified to be fighting gives up. Not all of us can be located close enough to you that you always see us fighting, nor can all of us remain at the very front of battle at all times, nor can all of us be top level heroes along with and beside you in that battle. But giving up puts us in unimaginable bondage.
Romans 8-9:
8:15 "For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear, but...the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us....the creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious LIBERTY of the children of God....What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us? He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also FREELY GIVE US ALL THINGS? [as booty and spoil of battle Hab. 2:4,7-8]....Who shall lay any thing to the charge of God's elect? It is God that justifieth. Who is he that condemneth? [that we are given the booty and spoil of the vanquished]....Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors [because we take possession of the wealth of the sinner for Kingdom's use] through him that loved us....For he will finish the work, and cut it short in righteousness: because a short work will the Lord make upon the earth." Ending with Romans 9:28
This is a battle of the epochs; a cheaply won victory would trivialize the moment.
Thank you and God bless you, Brother! I feel God is with me. I could never think up all these thoughts on my own. ❤️
The Holy Spirit definitely speaks through you Bob. God bless you too and Lord has you on this mission to save Ne! Now we need people to start fighting against 5G being turned on in Nebraska! I am very disturbed we have a tower right here in town and now they plan on going to 5G March 28 😰🙏🙏doesn’t take much research to find out how evil they are, just like the turbines, very close to the school like block!
Getting interference on TV's , Radio, Lights buzzing? Dundee is now covered Every few blocks with new small towers - that start off looking like new streetlights? Might be Verizon?, Cox, Century Link Fiber?Also now Speed monitors to tell you your speed - on main streets for now!
There is absolutely no freedoms left. Of course they’re trying to depopulate with all this evil so called great Technology
I think he is talklng to us thru you Bob. I hope that many that are not yet tuned in will be guided to do so. Right now there is hope. Kfab has been great the last few days - then had Sen. Tom Brewer on Yesterday. I haven't listened just yet, but....! The afternoon show 2-4 has a guest host - some good stuff, but his comments re: the Article V Provision for Amendments needs to be proven. He says the the threshold for CONGRESS to CALL the convention was met in the 1970's but they did nothing??? And the Stes do not call it - Congress does! Then Constitution Jim .... came on and rattled on. I did call in, i think the next day, but I think they cut me off?
"This is a battle of the epochs; a cheaply won victory would trivialize the moment."
I so appreciate you sending this out Bob. We must get this out to all of Nebraska! I pray this is the needle in the voter fraud haystack. Bob Evnen MUST BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE for this!
Our campaign has officially kicked off..... "25K MIA"
Our website will be up soon. We plan to citizen reporters to go out through Nebraska talking with individuals about their knowledge of the 25K MIA and what SOS Bob Evnen is doing about it?
Thanks again for all you do and your support! THIS IS GOD's COUNTRY and this is A REVOLUTION!
if you would like to follow me on Facebook about ALL THINGS related to our American Freedoms:
Thank you
"Our website will be up soon" I do mine by hand because no money. How are you doing yours?
I don't have one anymore.
Keep us posted on your website Kenneth.
Patriot Penny, I have several URLs pointed to a very hand-built web page plus other URLs pointed to other sites with very hand-built pages. I'm trying to say that I really can't build a page that is presentable. How do you get your page presentable? Do you hire it out? (Kat Kerr's teaching on the Host Initiative)
I think I have other pages, but I have plenty of other URLs not pointing to pages right now.
You’ve got great info‼️
I’d be happy to assist. I know some code, but it’s not something I enjoy. Let’s just say I get by. I use to be the web manager at a local church. I volunteer to do NEvoterAP website. I’ve found a using content management sites fairly quick and painless. Like you I have no extra money to spend so I try to find the best deal. The domain I just bought cost $6 a year. the content management is costing $17 monthly. It’s the least cost I’ve found. If you’d like to reach out for more chat on this you can email me at
Again. Happy to always get the truth to the people. 👍🏻🇺🇸
I don't know what you mean by "content management". I pay only for the domain names, nothing else. I guess if I needed more file space it would cost money, but I just make do with the bit of free space I find.
What I meant was what page development tool do you use to make the page attractive, except I'm really not interested in learning a tool (especially if it costs money and won't run on free Linux Mint; no Window$ or Mac for me)
God bless you for the work you are doing!!! I pray every day that everyone of them are expose for who and what they are. I pray they are taken down and held accountable I don’t care who it is! I pray that anyone in the state that needs exposed God exposes them! I even have friends out of state praying for Nebraska!
I've read that the Ukrainian election that put Zelensky into power had all the signs of having been conducted by the election-thievery apparatus. Maybe Zelensky could have won without it, but I'm told it was involved, anyway.
Zelensky is evil.
I heard the same thing! I think he was another one that was put into place for a reason and it isn’t good!
Thank you Bob!🙏♥️