Jun 11Liked by Robert J. Borer

❤️❤️‼️. I’ll bet they groan when they see you there! Lol. Keep at it…..and THANKS!

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Jun 12·edited Jun 12

That along with grimaces, contortions, eye rolling, plain disgust, are typical tactics Suggested by 501(c)3's like NACO, NAOM, NASB,..., to ...,! .And we pay fo it! Duhhh!

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Right? Crazy stuff!!,

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Jun 11Liked by Robert J. Borer

At what point, Robert, do we have enough evidence to take legal action against Bena/Evnen for maladministration?

Asking for a friend...

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The courts are captured, for the most part. I don't think any amount of evidence will satisfy a lower court. We are only seeking to keep the heat on traitors, and to embolden the People to stand up and let their voices be heard. Maybe then, when an angry group of patriots shows up and demands change, will things actually change. Prayer has a lot to do with it too.

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Jun 11Liked by Robert J. Borer


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Jun 12Liked by Robert J. Borer

Bob, you were awesome. What's important is you were getting your point across for us! Thank you!

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God bless you!

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Jun 11·edited Jun 12

Getting worn out? Vote records were cast to the wind! Like Rhett Butler - "...frankly...(they) don't give a damn"!

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Oh no. It was more about Bena lying. It was an attack on Bena. Thanks for the question. I'll clarify next week.

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Jun 12·edited Jun 12Liked by Robert J. Borer

Uhhh, in the spirit of LB 1390 - WHEN will they come knocking? At what Bridge do we stop them? Battle cry? Flag? (Molloy??? lions??? Ignore those two words for now!)

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