Dear Friends,
A couple of us went before the Lancaster County Board of Commissioners this morning.
I went first. Click here and read along below (it’s a 4 1/2 min read/listen), or watch and then read:
NE State Constitution
We, the people, grateful to Almighty God for our freedom, do ordain and establish the following declaration of rights and frame of government, as the Constitution of the State of Nebraska.Article I Section 1
All persons are by nature free and independent, and have certain inherent and inalienable rights; among these are life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, and the right to keep and bear arms ... and such rights shall not be denied or infringed by the state or any subdivision thereof. To secure these rights, and the protection of property, governments are instituted among people, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.Article I Section 22
...there shall be no hindrance or impediment to the right of a qualified voter to exercise the elective franchise.Thomas Paine, one our revolutionaries, wrote the following in a Dissertation on First Principles of Representative Government:
”The true and only true basis of representative government is equality of rights.”
"The right of voting for representatives is the primary right by which other rights are protected. To take away this right is to reduce a man to slavery."
He goes on to say:
"…the strength and permanent security of government is in proportion to the number of people interested in supporting it. The true policy therefore is to interest the whole by an equality of rights, for the danger arises from exclusions. It is possible to exclude men from the right of voting, but it is impossible to exclude them from the right of rebelling against that exclusion; and when all other rights are taken away the right of rebellion is made perfect."If you're not catching his drift, the right of rebellion is the right of revolution.
As it stands right now, you are facing a rebellion.
You have excluded the People of Lancaster County from the right of voting, in as much as you have excluded us from the right of equally exercising the elective franchise.
You have allowed a very small group of People to decide that they can take our votes and count them in secret.
That is not an equality of rights in the exercise of our elective franchise.
...and it produces no evidence whatsoever that our representatives are actually being elected by We the People, and not S-elected by those few counting our votes in secret.
If we are not equal when it comes to exercising our elective franchise, we are not equal anywhere.
You are playing with fire.
You could stop this evil, tyrannical, hijacking of our elections. You should stop this evil, tyrannical hijacking of our elections, given your oath.
But you have allowed yourselves to be brainwashed into thinking you work for Evnen, Bena and Wiltgen when you really work for US.
Don't kid yourself by thinking we are few in number.
There are many more that be with us than be with you.
A storm is brewing...the likes of which you have not seen in your lifetime...
...and it is sure to come your way if you don't repent and start becoming Defenders rather than PREtenders.
A couple friends chimed in right after me. Sonny, Penny and Ken. Don’t miss them. Jeanne showed her support by simply being there, which was very much appreciated. Everyone doesn’t have to speak. Ideally, we’d love to have a thousand people there…and obviously, all thousand people wouldn’t all be able to speak. Only a few would. But the presence of those thousand would seriously amplify the voices of those who do speak.
That said, anyone can read what I wrote above to their local County Board.
Trent Loos just posted an interview I did with him last week. You can find it here. (Thank you, Trent. Very much appreciated.)
Note: I don’t know why I said “two weeks” to report election results in that interview. It’s really eight weeks, per this statute.
That’s all for today. Keeping it short and sweet.
God bless,
Robert J. Borer
P.S. Two and half minutes with Jesse Ventura on the party system and party voting. If you don’t have FB, find someone who does. (Again, the party system is dead. It is inherently self-serving, in opposition to America-serving. It makes no sense to elect a RINO just because that’s all you have. God doesn’t work that way. He wakes People up with adversity. Suffering RINOs is a slow death that no one wants, except other RINOs.)
Excellent! Shared everywhere. People are without excuse. You even wrote their speech for them. Stay on them Robert. The pressure is mounting, the commies know it. That pressure causes them to make mistakes. We will be there to catch them when they do.
Great work, Bob! Residency is irrelevant for this, even if you live in another state. If you can't make it to Lincoln on Tuesdays but you still want to make waves, consider serving your election officials (they include the entire county board plus the election commissioner or county clerk) with a reminder of implied-in-fact contract and/or filing Notice Of Tort Claims like I'll be doing. If you don't like my wording well enough to join on mine, write your own notices. Or just ponder doing whatever else makes sense to you that could get anything one step farther along.
We've learned from Rick Hill that a government body can't be taken to court without first taking a litigation avoidance step filing a Notice Of Tort Claim. How I'm trying to articulate mine is:
This Notice also seeks to establish that "election terrorism" can exist by virtue of a demonstrated threat of breach of the potential implied-in-fact contract arising when voters or potential voters hope to exercise the election franchise.
Even after decades of being allowed to manipulate election races in many jurisdictions they serve, the election terrorist organization ES&S admits once again to manipulating the Northampton County, PA judges race on November 7, 2023 ( Inasmuch as ES&S advertises 'We fulfill this mission by delivering the highest standards of accuracy, security, and reliability in our election products and services', the continuation of these breaches of implied-in-fact duties/warranty and ES&S's established technique of substituting excuses in the media for sworn affidavit engineering assessments constitute a clear and present threat to steal in whole or in part the ballot selections of future voters.
On that same election day
--Their machines failed in Dallas County, TX ( which county also had the machines process after polling place hours voters who didn't vote in November 2022. Their reckless and preposterous defense was that their 4G networked devices won't operate with the cellular network that allows 5G operation even though their products supposedly work fine without connectivity in MANY other election jurisdictions! Additionally for the second year in a row, their poll books in this county obviously processed voters improperly that didn't show up. (
Inasmuch as they are the nation's largest provider of election equipment and are still in violation of implied-in-fact contract in that they refuse to conduct themselves to the standard of accuracy that is easily attainable for a company of their size, not responding with the industry standard product engineering corrections to the many notices with they've been given over many elections of many past election race manipulations, obviously expecting to continue to get away with doing so ad infinitum and in so doing commit voter intimidation by actually acting out implied threatening to handle my ballots selections irresponsibly by in fact proving they do intentionally dilute anyone else's, which is also election terrorism;
ES&S has neglected to come clean about their products' failures and are pretending to be no more sinister than simply stupidly tone-deaf, which is still unbecoming for a company of their size and thus violates their implied warranty;
Douglas County, State of Nebraska, and City of Omaha governing bodies, in dereliction of duty, give this traitorous insurrecting election terrorist, clear and present danger, and enemy of the People of the United States of America and/or of the State of Nebraska, ES&S unconscionable tolerance, favorable relations, licensure and a haven from which to conduct election manipulation ....
Watch and read with me/us the various incidents of ES&S election problems
ES&S (et al when applicable) must forthwith:
Self report all malfunctions and voter complaints, etc
Allow unfettered hand counting ballots prior to their insertions into machines
All es&s excuses must be sworn affidavits under penalty of breach of contract fraud
Prevent any official from making assertions about their products they themselves would not swear to under threat of lawsuit by es&s patterned after es&s suing anyone else that would make lies about them
Allow no more hand counts to overturn their results uncontested by absolute proof
Negotiations over this claim is intended to preclude litigation, so I/we will not have attorney representation present, nor will I/we be amenable to the attorneys that will be present being adversarial
Whether I get everything I demand is inconsequential to me. I'm simply trying to maintain pressure in ways they can't sleep through like they can in 5 minutes of Public Comment