Dear Friends,
I just fired off an email with the above title as the subject. The targets were members of our SoS office, a couple members of our Legislature, a couple members of my local county government and lots of friends, all bcc’d. The address I made up for the “to” address field was “”.
Below is the body of the email, verbatim. There was no opening or closing. Just the subject line and the body. I leave you to read it. Obviously I’m trolling the crooks in our “government.”
"ES&S digital scanners use scanning technology similar to that of a copying machine to create two scanned images of the front and back of the ballot at the same time. These digital images are then processed by ES&S’s image processing firmware, which creates a cast vote record (CVR). The CVR contains data from the front and back of the ballot and lists all vote selections made on the ballot. At the time of poll closing or data export, the CVRs are totaled to create aggregate results for that ballot scanning device. After the election, Electionware imports the tabulated results, machine logs, and images for reviewing, reporting, adjudication, and archiving."
"This section provides a description of all audit log files, the file location within the voting system, and procedures to retrieve, export, and archive audit logs from the voting system."
Here's the thing.
NE "election officials" lie and say these digital records don't exist.
The Truth is they don't want us auditing the results of OUR elections.
They don't want us auditing the machines. And they refuse to give us access to our paper ballots.
In other words, they don't want us exercising the citizen watchfulness and citizen due diligence that is required in a constitutional republic.
The big question is WHY??
There can be only one reason why. They are manipulating our election results (or allowing them to be manipulated), for their purposes.
They don't want We the People to be in control. They think We are too dumb. They want to be in control.
Make no mistake about it—do not be deceived otherwise—they have effectively taken away our all important right to vote.
Voting is now nothing more than a charade. The result, over time, can only be slavery. (See important Note below.)
This theft, this hijacking, of our elections, is treason.
You should be pissed off to the MAX.
Everything hinges on our elections. EVERYTHING. The decisions made in consequence of "elections" are often a matter of life and death, literally. Consider the needless wars. Consider the pandemic scams perpetrated upon us, with their deadly protocols. We better wake up.
Only in America do we demand that officials stop a football game, drag out measuring chains and look at a play 15 times from 6 different camera angles to verify that the right call was made, but shrink from demanding the right to verify our all important elections, where trillions of dollars and millions of American lives hang in the balance.
(Note: I'm not discouraging voting. We must vote, in person, on election day. Because we never know when the right people will step in and turn this around. We have law enforcement, we have sheriffs, we have a military, we have the second amendment, for a reason. To protect us from all enemies, foreign and domestic.)
LIVE NOT By The Mis-, Dis- and Mal-information—AKA LIES—of Wlaschin, Evnen, Bena and Wiltgen.
Demand your RIGHTS.
I should have titled it: Live Not By Lies, Confessions of an ES&S Election Management System Manual
Thank you so much Robert ! Again the Holy Spirit leads you in exposing these evil, no care, no conscience Ppl !!! Shared to Facebook! I pray pray ppl read, even if don’t comment ! Lord wake Ne ppl up to the evil going on! Wake them up to the evil ppl in Lincoln and that we must clean house! God help us we have no where to go but to you our Lord our God 🙏🙏🙏☦️